Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Best Spring Break Ever?

Okay so I have big plans for spring break this year!... at least big for me... I think I mentioned it already in an earlier post... oh well here it is again
No sitting at home with nothing to do.
No watching tv and sleeping all day.
No freezing every time I go outside when it's supposed to be SPRING break.

This Spring Break I am going to Panama City Beach!!!
Yayyyyy me!!!!

Shopping. Swimming. Sun. Partying. Fun.!!!!

Anyways here's the issue...

My mother does not want me to go because we will be driving for a long time and "who knows what might happen to us"...

My response: Whatever! This is going to be a great adventure!
I need to experience life and that's hard to do sitting at home alone being bored! I know she's thinking what if I die or something, but people die at home all the time or even just driving to the grocery store!!
I would much rather die doing something I enjoy than sitting at home watching tv...
Plus if you have faith in God you should not be too afraid to live...

My aunt does not want me to go either...
She's been emailing programs for spring break pretending to be my mother and asking if it's too late for me to go... she emailed this one Christian program asking if they would accept my application late...ummmm no.
I don't think I would enjoy myself anyway... Oh and get this, She emailed a lady that's like my second mother asking if she would pretend to need help in her classroom and pay me to work over spring break with money my aunt sends to her... in the email my aunt says "Please don't mention this conversation"...my aunt accidentally sent me the email too!!! haha wow really?!

My response:
Yea okay... I'm still going...!
I need advice should I pretend to be ignorant of the scam or tell the lady the jig is up?


  1. haha I would just ignore that

  2. That's unfortunate. You are an adult after all, so you can make your own decisions about what you want to do for Spring Break. I hope that you have a lot of fun, just be safe :)
